Take control!

Empower yourself, gain a deeper understanding of what lenders seek and how to best present your position.

With this insight, navigate your finance discussions with confidence for the best possible outcome.

No one business is the same, although we have listed below a small selection of services, please do contact us for an initial discussion to understand your needs - first discussion is free. From there we can tailor something specific to you.

Banking Optimisation

Wondering if your interest rate is fair, structure appropriate, could you be saving money?…..Take charge! decode your bank's pricing game for better rates and negotiate with confidence.

Through a one to one process, we build your knowledge of how banks price and assess your business, giving confidence to your negotiations.

Using your information we build a snapshot of your business current position to assess: -

·       Debt servicing position

·       Security position

·       Appropriateness of structure

·       Opportunities for improvements

  • Key points to discuss with your lender

Early-stage concept exploration and funding strategy

You have a cunning plan, but not sure how to finance it. Let us step you through the journey ahead.

Gain confidence through understanding what lenders seek and how you measure up. With knowledge of the road ahead we build a strategy that allows you to negotiate confidently, securing a better outcome for you and your business opportunity.

Giving clarity to :-

·       Debt servicing position.

·       Security position.

·       Opportunities of improvements.

·       Appropriateness of structure.

  • Roadmap to progress your opportunity .

Business Banking 101

Your essential guide to understanding how banks evaluate businesses and loan applications, we'll delve into the key factors that banks consider:

What Banks Look At: Uncover the critical elements that banks scrutinise when assessing your business, from “the 5 c’s”, risk weightings, financial statements to cash flow projections and beyond. Gain insight into what makes a strong, appealing application.

Debt Servicing: Navigate the complexities of debt servicing as we break down how banks analyse your ability to repay loans. Learn strategies to optimise your debt structure for better loan approval chances.

Security: Discover the role security plays in the lending process. Understand the various types of collateral and guarantees that can bolster your application and provide a sense of security to lenders.

Risk Weighting: Get a handle on risk weighting methodologies used by banks. Learn how they assign risk levels to different assets and activities, empowering you to present a lower-risk profile to lenders.

Presenting a Loan Application: Gain insider knowledge on crafting a compelling loan application. From assembling necessary documents to highlighting key strengths, you'll learn to present your business in the best possible light.

By the end of Business Banking 101, you'll have the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the intricacies of business banking, enabling you to approach lenders with a stronger, more informed loan application, and increasing your chances of securing the financing your business deserves.

Build your loan application

Banks are generally eager to say yes, but the key lies in the quality of information you provide—it can either expedite the process or lead to less-than-desirable outcomes.

With our strategy and structure we work with you to build a loan application to answer the questions the lenders ask, speeding up the process and improving the experience for a better outcome.

Through the process you gain confidence by understanding your position, what lenders seek and how you measure up. This knowledge empowers you to negotiate with confidence.

Loan application template - with completion guide

Loan application template - with completion guide + debt servicing & security analysis

Loan application template completed - pricing on request.

* Plus GST, price confirmed post initial discussion ( first 15 mins free)