Our aim is simple - make finance for business easier.

Information to help with your planning.

  • Latest interest rates in one place

    Current interest rates from mortgage lenders on one page.

    Includes a link to each lenders mortgage product information along with plenty of tools and calculators.

  • How much can you borrow

    Using a main Bank calculator, understand how much you can borrow based on a Bank / CCCFA assessment.

  • Property value estimates

    Using AI & market intel, OneRoof estimates the property value, as well as providing a host of useful information on the property.

    NB - Lenders often see Registered Valuation as best source of Market Value.

  • Properties on the market

    Current listings of Residential, Commercial and Rural properties for sale through leading Agents.

  • Tips for interest rate negotiations

    Some tips and thoughts keep in mind when it comes to interest rate negotiations.

  • What is my credit score

    Why you need to care about your credit score and how to find out what yours is.

Resources - all things business

  • With a host of calculators, guides, advice and blogs, if its finance related this is the place to head.

    A free, government-funded, independent agency dedicated to helping New Zealanders get ahead financially.

  • From start up to established businesses this site has tools and expert advice from government and industry, designed to help Kiwi businesses save time and succeed.

  • ANZ Biz Hub offers free guides and templates to start, run or grow your business

    Access to a range of practical tools, guides, workshops - from business plans templates to business webinars.

  • Amplify, the economic development agency for the Taupō District, they exist to grow the local economy.

    Check out some of the great options for business support in the Taupō District.

Economic reports, outlook & guides

  • Renowned NZ Economist Tony Alexander produces a weekly report with a regular focus on housing and interest rates… it is a must read!.

    The link below takes you through to his latest report along with his library of recent publications.

  • A library of Economic reports and outlooks.

    The link below takes you to latest reports - the daily alert for current and overnight market activity, along with current swap rates - an indicator of longer term fixed rates (before margins).

  • A host of industry reports and outlooks.

    Good decisions for business' future depend on good information now. Know your markets and where they might be going

  • Comprehensive, objective resources to help find the right financial products or services.

    Providing transparent, up-to-date resources to help you know your consumer rights